Funko Fundays 2016 Recap

This is a little bit of a different post I’ll be sharing with you guys today. It’s a post where I’m gonna fess up a little something: I’m a toy collector. Specifically I collect mostly Funko toys but I also collect other little toys. My desk at work is filled with them and my cabinets are overflowing with little figures. It was a slow start for me to get into collecting Funko Pops. I actually received my first Pop from Minion David – a Slimer Ghostbuster for my birthday. I started to buy a few more here and there and soon enough I got Jake into collecting them as well. And Jake really just took off with it… he’s got a bit of an obsessive personality… and now he’s into Pops more than I am! It made sense that when we heard about Funko Fundays that we decided we just HAD to go. I was able to snag two tickets for the event (amazingly enough considering the event sold out in about 45 seconds).


What is Funko Fundays? Think of it as a big party that Funko hosts to celebrate it’s collectors. It’s an event they put on with lots of food, entertainment, awards to members of the Funko Funatic forum, and lots of giveaways! You don’t buy anything at the event – the only thing you purchase is your ticket to get in – everything else is included. Above is just part of the line for Fundays. We lined up around 6PM and waited for about an hour to get inside. It was held at the Hilton next to Seaport Village last Friday night during Comic Con.


Jake wanted to dress up for Fundays. He made this hat himself. On top is Captain America’s head and on the brim are some Funko Mystery Mini’s that were hot glued on. He also put various Funko Pins all around the hat. He’s actually wearing a Deadpool Pop tee that he bought for me, but since he couldn’t find his own shirt, he wore this one instead.


Also… he hot glued Pops to his shoes. He’s such a dork and I love him.


I was a bit more conservative than Jake. I just wore a Kylo Ren Pop shirt plus my Tardis necklace that had two Doctor keychain pops attached to it. 


A little over an hour of waiting in line we finally got up to the front! It felt like a luxury event with the red curtains and giant Golden Freddy statue before us.


At the Fundays event they are known to give out special “Freddy Funko” pops that look like their mascot (this guy).


Every attendee gets one “Box Of Fun” which contains three special “Freddy Funko” pops inside! More on that later. First… let’s take a look at the FOOD.


Okay, actually, we’re gonna look at this super cute gigantic Sully from Monsters, Inc. Dorbz first and THEN we’re gonna look at FOOD.


Everything was set up buffet style and you could pretty much just DIG RIGHT IN. The thing was though that there was a wheel that they were spinning for prizes… and the line was wrapped allllllll the way around the food area. So we totally munched on food while standing in line for the prize wheel. They had a bunch of various kinds of sandwiches to munch on. Sandwiches are kind of hard for a buffet, since it’s a little hard to keep them hot. They were… warm-ish at best.


There was also a buffet full of different kinds of sausages. I grabbed a couple of bratwurst to munch on that tasted decent enough. Jake thought the sausages were bland. I admit I hardly tasted it. Was kind of too excited to be there. 


In another room that I noticed later they had full trays of pasta. I tried this one only because the tray that had creamy mushroom pasta had been wiped out. The pasta was a little mushy.


There were also these really cute mini sliders. There was chicken and salmon. I got a chicken. The chicken was sadly a bit dry but I stuffed it into my mouth anyway. I knew I had to eat despite my excitement. 


I didn’t try these. French fries in a warming tray did not seem appealing to me. You could drench these in cheese sauce. There was also a table with tortilla chips and some spicy ass guacamole and another table with veggies and dips (like hummus and ranch dressing).


Also… DESSERTS! Yay! They had S’mores bark, Mexican Wedding Cookies, and Chocolate Brownies. 


I managed to get a piece of S’mores bark that hardly had an marshmallows in it so I liked it well enough – it was chocolatey and crunchy. The cookies were crunchy and tasty and I managed to get powdered sugar all over myself. The brownies were okay.

Overall my impression of the food at Fundays was pretty meh. But I wasn’t here for the food (for once). My only real complaint was that it was hard to just get WATER for the event. They had water containers outside the hall but they were emptied very quickly and weren’t refilled quickly. If you wanted a bottle of water it cost you a drink ticket (each person got 2 drink tickets which was also good for beer or alcoholic beverages). I think it would have been nice to either hand out water bottles or leave pitchers of water on the tables or nearby. It was very warm that day and all I wanted was lots of water!


There was a display for Custom Pops that was really cool to look at. Here you can see a little setup for “It’s a Small World”, the Wizard of Oz, and some cool custom keychains. 


This “See Hoth” travel “poster” was rad!


And I loved this custom scene from Back to the Future.


This huge Rocky Horror Picture Show custom pop scene was my favorite of the evening – it was so detailed! This display was also hand picked by the CEO of Funko as a winner for Best Custom Pop of the year – well deserved. 


By the time we got through the line to spin the wheel, they had to hurry it up so there was only one spinner per group of 10 people (whereas earlier each person got to spin for themselves). Jake volunteered to be the spinner. We ended up getting a “Mymoji” which no one really wanted. Oh well. 


In the hall, there was a huge long stage running through the middle of the hall and it was divided into four sections: Team Batman, Team Stitch, Team Vader and Team Deadpool. One of Jake’s friends scoped out a table for us in the Team Deadpool section. 


The evening started off with Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty and a bunch of zombies. The zombies started dancing on stage and then it launched into Michael Jackson’s Thriller with an impersonator doing the Thriller dance.

Shortly afterwards the CEO came out and the night really started to kick off! 


Down the middle of the stage some guys dressed as Oompa Loompas paraded around with giant “Funko” bars.



They handed out Funko chocolate bars to everyone.


And we all had to try and find the Golden Ticket! There were 4 Golden Tickets available.


We didn’t get one but the chocolate was DELICIOUS. The four winners all got special limited edition 1 out of 10 Funko Pops featuring a golden Willy Wonka and Oompa Loompa. Very rare and very valuable! The winners also won a trip to go to Funko Headquarters! 


Throughout the night there were 4 carnival style games where the sections had to cheer the loudest to win a prize. The Prize Patrol would come out to distribute prizes to the winning section. Team Deadpool was the last one to win but obviously it was all rigged so each section would win.


The tables all had these stick things (I’m sure there’s an official name for these things but I don’t know what it is) to help with the cheering. 



Some of the other entertainment that night: “PeeWee” was there looking for his lost bike that the CEO was gonna give away to the crowd but we insisted that PeeWee should get his bike back. “Doc Brown” from Back to the Future also swung by. 

Some people were also selected to go up to the stage to spin the wheel. There was a giant question mark where the CEO would decide the prize, or you could land on “Can of Corn” where the contestant had to chug a can of corn to win a prize for their table (don’t ask why, I have no idea where the can of corn thing comes from haha), or the table could win Prototypes.

A super cute thing happened at Fundays as well! The last girl to go up to spin the wheel got a special “prize” – a marriage proposal from her boyfriend! Awww, so cute!

Overall Jake and I had a great time. The only thing that sucked was that someone swiped one of my Freddy pops while we weren’t looking and I didn’t notice until we got home (SAD FACE). Our table was also given a bag of prototypes – one for each person. Everyone at our table ripped the bag apart. I had my hand on one prototype and it was torn out of my hand by someone else at our table. Then we discovered two were missing since Jake and I didn’t get one. We were pretty disappointed that someone refused to give it up and Jake ended up going to the front and getting prototypes for us. All we can do is hope that karma bites those people in the ass. 


Here’s some of the cool stuff we got at Fundays. This GIANT Retro Freddy pop was dressed up as Skeletor – and we also got a “normal” sized Freddy Skeletor plus the Fourth Doctor from Doctor Who.


We also got Kylo Ren, Fred Flintstone, and Oompa Loompa. 


The prototypes we got were Lightning from Big Trouble in Little China and Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in her Yule Ball dress. Prototypes are super rare since only a few of them are made. They are like the starting blocks for making all of the other Pops.


One of my favorite things that we got was this special limited edition 1 out of 24 Dorbz. It’s a Freddy holding a tiny Freddy pop! SO CUTE.


Jake and I had a ton of fun and Jake almost lost his voice from cheering at the event. We really hope we can make it to next year’s Fundays! 

8 thoughts on “Funko Fundays 2016 Recap

  1. Mary, I met you and Jake while I was getting dessert. Love Jake’s enthusiasm at getting Funko geared out for the event!! It was a fun party, and my first time being there. It is unfortunate about the Funkos being swiped from you, and sorry to hear about that. The food wasn’t “fancy”, but it was all you can eat. I really liked the rib sandwich a lot, and my friend enjoyed the chicken sandwich (the ones closest to the spin the wheel). I totally agree about the water! I think they literally had one container in the beginning, but later provided two and they were empty for most of the night. With all that yelling going on in the room, more water would have been appreciated. Overall, it was a fun event. I am so glad you did a post on this!! I was too busy just being in awe, and did not take enough pictures at the event. Thank you!

    1. Hi Susie!! It was great to meet you even if it was really briefly! I missed out on trying the rib sandwich, I think I was just too excited to pay that much attention to everything. I could have taken more photos but I think I got a good general feeling for the event. There definitely should have been easier access to water! I felt so parched all night. Jake finally went and just got us like 5 glasses of water so we didn’t have to get up again. Thanks for commenting! 🙂

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