the jelly donut & sky village swap meet / yucca valley, ca

The really nice part about our trip was how leisurely it felt. We had no plans, really. There were a few things I wanted to see but mostly we just played it by ear. After spending a cozy night in the little house, I got up before the boys, had some coffee, and then made breakfast.



We had leftover flap steak, eggs with ricotta + other cheeses with fresh basil, Parmesan polenta, and sourdough toast.


I made extra polenta so we could have it again for dinner that evening.


Eggs + ricotta + basil is a magical concoction. I need to make this more often.


While driving over to the swap meet, I snapped a photo of The Jelly Donut. I love rusty, old, worn out looking signs like this one. We popped in here the following day so I could wash away the memory of the breakfast we had Monday morning (which I’ll discuss later).



The Jelly Donut is very simple inside. Looks like something out of the 60’s or 70’s.



The have combos! No idea why this amuses me, but it does. 




There were only three trays of donuts left at about 11AM on Monday morning. The twist donuts looked particularly fresh to me – the glaze looked like it had just barely set. The other items just looked kind of “meh” to me. 


The glazed twist was 100% PERFECT. Just as I suspected, this sucker was freshly made and was still slightly warm! Jake commented that the donut also tasted creamy since once you bit into it, the glaze melted on your tongue and the soft, warm dough was still pliable and delicious. Definitely one of the best twist donuts we’ve had. Fresh donuts are the key, man.


I also got a powdered donut which wasn’t bad – not as good as the yeasty, fluffy, twist donut, but fairly good. We also got a chocolate croissant for T (which I thought tasted horrible and stale) and Jake got a plain old fashioned donut. Sorry, but I need a little glaze or sugar or something. Plain donuts don’t excite me in any way.


The Sky Village Swap Meet is in an old drive in movie theater lot. It’s full of dust and dirt with no signs of the old movie theater screens.

James Taylor eerily played over the crackly old speaker system (which were the old speakers from the drive-in) the whole time we were there. It gave the place almost a weirdly mystical feel, like we had been transported to the last century. 

I didn’t want to linger too long since dogs weren’t allowed (lame) and Maya had to hang out in the car (luckily it was only about 70 degrees so she was fine).


There was a lot of funky art all over the Sky Village Swap Meet. 


Though the swap meet felt more like a junk yard to me at times…


In the heart of the swap meet, it almost feels like a mini village with wooden structures that looked more like tiny houses than anything else. 


There was something called the Crystal Cave which we went to check out. 


On the way into the Crystal Cave there was this thing. Totem pole… face… dude? I have no idea. But check out those teeth, man! 



The Crystal Cave is this little shelter in the middle of the swap meet. 


There are little portholes where you can peek in and see the crystals.


It almost looks like a tiny crystal village in there.


The Crystal Cave was built by hand by Bob Carr, who also owns the Sky Village Swap Meet. Apparently the town was going to claim the swap meet’s land through eminent domain and Bob decided to destroy the original Crystal Cave. There was such a civic uproar that the town council gave the land back to Bob. Two Danish art students helped him to work on and rebuild the Crystal Cave. You can read more about the Crystal Cave here.

Right outside the Crystal Cave, these two girls were sitting in the shade making a little music.



There’s even a little restaurant called the Sky Cafe inside the swap meet. We didn’t go since we had eaten already, but occasionally you would hear that someone’s order was ready over the old crackly speaker system.



There were quite a few interesting things for sale here. 



This place was a haven for old bottles and glasses, cast iron kitchen tools, and all sorts of little tiny knick knacks and doodads. 


If I had more time and wasn’t worrying about Maya, I would have picked through this place a little better. I’m sure there are tons of hidden treasures just waiting to be found in this funky little swap meet. Definitely worth a visit if you’re in the area! 

7 thoughts on “the jelly donut & sky village swap meet / yucca valley, ca

  1. That picture with the rooster just makes me happy! You are such a great couple!! (And that glazed twist looks AMAZING!)

    1. That rooster photo makes me happy, too! I knew it was a photo opportunity as soon as I saw it, haha. That glazed twist…. oh man. I daydream about it.

  2. Very nice.

    Those roosters can also be seen all over the US. There is one in Chinatown in LA, fittingly over a poultry shop (that smells). There are a couple of them also in that hipster food court in Anaheim, the Packing District. I took a photo with one of those roosters at some roadside farm in Arroyo Vista last summer (posts still have to be written, I lag, I know).

    Like those lumberjack/muffler men statues, the giant chickens are a neat roadside attraction or something cool to spot in random towns.

    Here is a cool link:

    1. Hi CC – Oh man, I didn’t know the roosters were a “thing” all over the country! That’s so cool! I’ve heard/seen the lumberjack and muffler men but not the giant chickens (or at least, I never noticed them before). Thanks for the link, we’ll have to be on the lookout for more!

  3. ooh i still need to try making polenta! also, this makes me think that you had donuts early for national donut day haha. (though i only found out about donuts the day of)

    and uh for the junkyard… one man’s trash is another man’s treasure… ‘poop’ just might be one of those treasures!

    1. Polenta is really easy to make and it’s easy to flavor up – I really like it with cheese, herbs, and a little butter. 🙂 I forgot about National Donut Day until the week of, haha. I just like trying donuts! The swap meet/junkyard was a very interesting place. I bet there are some gems hidden in there somewhere. The “poop” just made me laugh!

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