what i’m thankful for


It’s true. There is always something to be thankful for. And here are a few things that I’m thankful for this Thanksgiving.



My Parents
My parents were only able to have one kid (psst – that’s me) and though I had no choice in the matter, I’m thankful they had me and that they are my parents. They’ve raised me to do the right thing, to be honest and loyal and trustworthy. They’re always there for me no matter what and have always supported me. I love them to pieces and I don’t know where I would be without them.


My Grandparents
I didn’t grow up with my grandparents around since they lived all the way in Massachusetts (and on my mom’s side, in the Philippines!) but when I went to college I was able to get to know them a little better and I’m so thankful for that time I had with them. My Pepere moved out here to live with us in April and while he left us much, much too soon, I’m thankful he was able to live with us, even for a little while. Miss you, Memere and Pepere.




My Friends
I’m thankful to have such awesome friends who are willing to dine out with me and NOT eat any food right away (sorry, guys) and to go on crazy food crawls with me and to generally just be the funniest, awesomest group of friends a girl could have.


My Dogs
I’m thankful to have had three little dogs in my life, each one with their own crazy little personality. To Little Bit, and her gruff little barks when you don’t pay enough attention to her, to Bentley, who would growl and make grumpy noises at you if you squeezed him too hard, to my little girl Maya who brings a smile to my face every single day with her enthusiasm for just about everything.

Bentley, a 16 year old senior, was put to sleep just a few weeks ago. I’m thankful we got to spend as much time with him as we did. We miss you, Mr. B!


My Best Friend/Boyfriend
Jake is my rock. My solid foundation. The person I turn to when I need a shoulder, when I need to vent, when I want to share a piece of happy news, or something funny I saw on TV. He makes me laugh like no one else can. He compliments me in every way and understands me even when I can’t speak. I’m more thankful for him than anything else and I’m so glad he’s a part of my life.

When things seem bleak or sad, I remember how lucky I am to have such wonderful friends and family in my life and I’m thankful they’re all apart of my life every day.

Hug your friends, family, and little furry creatures close and have a very Happy Thanksgiving.

8 thoughts on “what i’m thankful for

  1. Happy thanksgiving Mary! Family and friends are wonderful to remember not just today but the rest of the year. Hope you also get some good eats and maybe a few Black Friday deals too! (I’ve done my shopping online so far)

    1. Happy Thanksgiving, Lynn! True, you should remember all year round, not just one day a year. Hope you have lots of delicious stuff today, too!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Mary!! Gosh your post kinda made me teary (in a good way!). I’m sorry to hear about Bentley. Dogs are family aren’t they 🙂

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