rush hour chicken and waffles / st. petersburg, fl

To end our first full day in Tampa, Chris let me choose the restaurant. Ain’t he nice? 

After the breakfast and bakery, Chris drove us around Tampa Bay a bit and then we went over to St. Petersburg (you have to cross bridges to get over to that part of town). We ended up visiting the Salvador Dali museum and after that, I picked a place nearby for dinner. If you’re interesting in seeing my other photos from around Tampa and the Dali museum, check out my Dropbox gallery over here.

For dinner, I was feeling like we should have something very “Southern” since we were in the South and all. I starting looking for chicken and waffles places since that seemed very Southern (even though Southern California has Roscoe’s all over LA). That’s how I stumbled upon Rush Hour Chicken and Waffles. I figured… hell, it’s got “chicken and waffles” right in the name, let’s see how they do this!”


This is the first side of the menu. Both sides of the menu had these photos with amusing little quotes under them. 

“LeRoy! You surprised me again! A decent place on our date! Rush Hour Chicken and Waffles Restaurant!”

I don’t know why that amused me so much but it did.


Side two of the menu. More amusement.


The full spread that we shared between the three of us.


Naturally we ordered the chicken and waffles. Duh. 


[chicken and waffles / $9.50]

Here’s how it should look all proper like. The waffle looks more Belgian style than the ones you’d get at, say, Roscoe’s Chicken & Waffles. The waffle was cooked well – it was soft on the inside with a slight crisp on the outside (not super crunchy – still had a good chew). 

The chicken that comes with it are battered and fried after you order it. It doesn’t sit around waiting for you to come but is made to order (woooo). These large pieces come with the whole freakin wing and are pretty big! There’s a good amount of flavor and seasoning to these babies and they stay nice and juicy. A little drizzle of maple syrup and I was one happy camper. 


[chicken wings / 5 for $8.50]

We ended up getting an order of chicken wings, thinking we were getting like the mini size. You know, with the drumettes and wings separated. NOPE. It’s like… oh, hello, more full sized chicken wings for you, my friends! Looking at the menu again, we ordered the “Southern Style” wings but they didn’t come with a sauce. It might have been on the side somewhere. In any case, we didn’t mind getting another order of those delicious wings! Chris and Jake both loved the chicken a lot and raved about it for quite some time after our dinner.


[green beans / $3.25 and macaroni and cheese / $3.50]

We got a couple of sides, too, to round everything out. We ate this all “family style” and just shared everything. 

The green beans were very soft – almost tasting like they were canned but I believe they were just cooked for a long ass time with maybe a pork hock because the green beans had that meaty hock flavor to it. A little on the mushy side for my tastes (my dad would have loved these – he likes his green beans soft) but the additional background flavor/seasoning made them tasty. 

The macaroni and cheese was very creamy and a bit tangy – this definitely did not come out of a box! It was almost luscious and it tasted like they only used one kind of cheese here.


[french fries / $2.25]

Jake’s had been in a french fries mood so also ordered this plate of fries. These were okay. You know, they’re french fries. 


The three of us were quite impressed with the food here – I especially like their waffle (more than the one at Roscoe’s) with it’s slight crisp edges and thicker Belgian style. The chicken was really crunchy and flavorful and the sides were also delicious. Overall a very tasty meal and a great way to end our first full day in Florida!

Rush Hour Chicken and Waffles
2140 34th St. S,
St. Petersburg, FL 33711
(727) 321-2800

10:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 10:30 a.m. to midnight Friday and Saturday. Closed Sunday. 

Rush Hour Chicken and Waffles on Urbanspoon

10 thoughts on “rush hour chicken and waffles / st. petersburg, fl

    1. Hi J.S. – Yeah… limp, soft waffles do not make me a happy girl. This one was much better. Will have to try and seek out a place closer to home that has chicken and waffles more like this one!

  1. I remember when I was younger and had chicken and waffles for the first time (it was at Roscoe’s). I thought it was like the weirdest combo ever haha. Oh yeah and it was gross there too. The food here looks yum though. We sometimes have chicken and waffles at work. They make waffles for brunch, so sometimes with leftover batter, they use for staff. By the time I get there, it’s usually cold.

    Oh yeah, I liked your idea so much (about the list of food related random things list) that I made my own list. I like the way you think! I can’t wait to read your new food related random list.

    1. Hi Miss Kim!
      My first chicken & waffles was Roscoe’s too! I liked the chicken but the waffles were all weirdly limp. What’s up with that?! Too bad you don’t ever get a hot waffle. Hot waffles are so good, haha. I need to go check out your list! I think I’ll have to do a new updated foodie list. 🙂

    1. Hi CC – Thank you! The wings were really good and REALLY large so I’m glad we didn’t get the large order! This was a “let’s try for no leftovers” kind of trip (and it worked).

  2. I’ve never ever had chicken and waffles (together). I appreciate how they put everything on the side.

    The chicken wings look awesome though. Dayum.You don’t see a lot of deep fried whole wings so I love the version here.

    The menu is super creepy. Those pics remind me of what you do when you wanna have a great fake date.

    1. Hi Faye – It probably seems like such an odd combination – but it’s like “sweet and savory” stuff for dinner (or breakfast, if you must)! But it is good everything’s on the side so you’re not forced to eat it that way, haha. I want to try a few other places nearby to see how they do their chicken and waffles.

      Hahah, yessss – those photos are totally fake date photos. It was so silly, it just made me laugh.

  3. Chef Rush would like to thank you for your comments Mary and hope you come again before you leave the Tampa Bay area. Our hours of operation is Monday thru Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 to 8:00, Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Sunday Brunch 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. We can be reached at (727) 564-8729.

    1. Hi Deborah – Thanks – I wish we had had time for another visit, we really enjoyed the food! 🙂 When we’re back in the area we’ll definitely come by for more chicken!

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