valentine’s recap

Before I forget… let me reveal the final cookies that I gave to Jake on Valentine’s Day!


Yoda cookies!



Which naturally go with Jake’s Valentine’s Day card that I got for him off of Etsy. It was a “print it yo-self” card and that’s when I discovered my printer ran out of color ink. I ended up filling it in with colored pencils and adding some “3-D” punched out hearts to the card.

I got the Star Wars Heros & Villians cookie cutters from Williams-Sonoma back in December. They were 50% at the time and were a good deal for just $10. I didn’t have time to use them until now and I’ve been impressed with how well they work. I made sure to actually measure my dough this time and the cookie cutters managed to let me lift the cookie from the dough and place it on the sheet. Amazing.

I also made him this letter wrapped pencil (hard to explain) – it was written on a skinny piece of origami paper and wrapped around a glittery pencil with a little love note from me. And this:


Which were delicious.

For Valentine’s Day, Jake made dinner for us and his family. We had some tasty NY Steaks with mashed potatoes and green beans – yum yum! This is my present from Jake:


The Little Mermaid! I had just been telling Jake how I wanted to buy this movie. I was staring at it while I was at Target, talking to Jake on the phone, and on the verge of buying it, but resisting. Yay! The chocolate bar is deceitfully smaller than the package and was actually not that sweet tasting – almost on the verge of being bitter tasting. He got it for me because it’s peanuts + chocolate, one of my favorite combinations. He’s sweet.

After dinner, we headed out to the movies. I happened to get two loyalty rewards for Regal Cinemas and I picked American Hustle as the movie of choice. Jake for sure thought I would pick Wolf of Wall Street, but I was not in the mood to sit in the theater for three hours. Lucky for us, American Hustle was much better than we thought it would be (we had low expectations).

We had a very low-key, no pressure, Valentine’s Day. Just the kind of day that we like.

4 thoughts on “valentine’s recap

  1. Someone else told me about Etsy the other day! They said it was a good place to get a blog logo or header?

    Way to give lazy girls a bad rap for Vday! You go ALL out for this day!

    Tell Jake that my nephews will love the star war cookie cutters and they’re like little kids 🙂 I guess we never grow old right…

    Have a great weekend –

    1. Hi Faye! I buy a lot of jewelry on Etsy – more unique/handmade items. Etsy is great for more one of a kind, different looking things that aren’t mass produced. There’s a LOT of stuff on there – from food, to letterpress, to furniture and yes, also graphics. Lots of people sell digital items that you can use for your own stuff. I’m bad a logo making, I should find someone on there to do mine. Okay, my gift was probably not really considered lazy since I made from scratch cookies… but the pencil thing and the chocolate is totally easy! 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend, too!

  2. Yoda is so awesome!!!! Great gifts you gave each other! Very clever, hmmmm!

    We have a talking Yoda figure. His place of prominence is near our stairs by the window surveying his domain.

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