hash brown burritos at cotijas / tierrasanta – san diego, ca

T had his last little league game this past Saturday in Murphy Canyon. For his various games this season, Jake and I have tried a whole slew of various Mexican restaurants (to bring burritos to watch the games!) and of course it wasn’t until recently we found a finally found a gem.


[murphy canyon field]

It is, in of all places, in Tierrasanta. Before this I considered Tierrasanta to kind of be a wasteland as far as food was concerned. The only place I had liked and tried before this was Bud’s Louisiana Cafe, which has since moved over to the Kearny Mesa area. Jake suggested we go here a few weeks ago and we came back before this last game for burritos.

Specifically, for a hash brown burrito!


[hash brown burrito – $4.99]

I have to be honest with you and say that I didn’t really like breakfast burritos before this one. Most of the time they seem to be mostly just filled with unseasoned egg and unseasoned potatoes and if you were lucky, a little bit of whatever meat you ordered.

The hash brown burrito, on the other hand, has all of its ingredients evenly distributed throughout the burrito. You get: eggs, crispy hash browns, sausage, bacon, cheese and sour cream.


I’ve had this particular burrito twice now and it’s been consistent. The hash browns are crispy, the eggs are cooked just right, there’s a good even amount of sausage and bacon and the sour cream and cheese pulls it all together to make for creamy, luscious burrito happiness.

Of course, I’m never able to finish one of these burritos and Jake usually gets my leftovers. But I love every bite I’m able to stuff into my belly!

Another nice thing is that the breakfast burritos at Cotijas’s are available all day – you don’t have to just eat it for breakfast!


Cotijas also has a salsa bar. Jake put together an insane amount of salsas containers to go since he really, really liked the stuff and also got a bag of chips for us to share.

I had to admit – the salsa was pretty darn good. I liked that it was BRIGHT red (I’ve seen some taco shops with this really wimpy looking barely red more like pink salsa before) and it had a really good flavor. I also didn’t think it was super duper hot, which is good for me and my not-so-tolerant tastebuds.


The chips came in a big plastic bag and tasted freshly made. Very crispy and crunchy, I really enjoyed munching on these while we watched T’s last game.

The last game was the 3rd game in the tournament. The Chollas Lake Wolfpack won the first two games of the tournament, but sadly lost their final game 10-5.


Multiple Locations
10645 Tierrasanta Blvd
San Diego, CA
(858) 974-8226

Cotijas Mexican Food on Urbanspoon

8 thoughts on “hash brown burritos at cotijas / tierrasanta – san diego, ca

  1. There’s something about a warm, steamy flour tortilla that makes me so happy. Like I want to lay on the sofa and have someone throw freshly made flour tortillas on me and use it as a blanket. No joke. That’s exactly how I felt when I visited a Mexican restaurant some months back and they made these ginormous platter sized tortillas.

    But the pic of the chips makes me so hungry right now. Stop taking such explicit photos of food will ya 🙁 It’s making me wanna go on a carb binge right now…

    1. Hahah, maybe don’t read my blog before lunch? 🙂 I totally do the same thing though. Read blogs, get hungry, get mad I can’t go eat at 9am. Your imagery of blanket tortillas makes me laugh and laugh!

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