lazy blogger weekend

I meant to post this stuff yesterday, but I did not do one productive thing all weekend and it was GREAT. Please note that I don’t count cake baking as “productive” but “fun”.

When I was at Jake’s this weekend, I just happened to be there for the annual Oak Park Fourth of July Parade (held on Saturday, July 2nd). I snapped a few photos just for fun. It was a cute little parade!

Lining up to walk down the street!

Dudes in Trains.

Patriotic bubbles!

Patriotic puppies!

And fancy cars.

I didn’t do much else this weekend. Went to see Transformers. Slept. Watched True Blood. Made a cake for Jake’s mom’s birthday. Check it:

I used some newly bought Bake Even cake strips. They were magical and wonderful. I will be using them every time I bake a round cake. The filling above is a Strawberry White Chocolate Mousses and it tasted just as good as you think it would. Fresh strawberry puree, melted white chocolate and freshly made whipped cream. Ohh, it was so good. I had leftovers. I ate it with a spoon. Yum.

I made a little Surfing-Beach scene cake for Jake’s mom. The waves turned out pretty well, I think. I was going to stand up surfboards in the sand, but I axed that idea and put in little umbrellas instead next to the palm trees. The sand is made from teddy grahams. The frosting is a vanilla honey buttercream.

I forgot to put the cake in the fridge when I got there and the cake sort of melted. Oops. Thankfully it still tasted really good!

Hope everyone had a lovely holiday weekend!

3 thoughts on “lazy blogger weekend

  1. I agree the cake still looks very delicious, and I don’t see the sign of melting! You are really good in baking and I simple adore your baking skill. Anyway look like everybody had fun on the fourth of July. I love the cute patriotic parade!

  2. Hi Kimberly – Thank you!

    Hi Miranda – The photos were taken right when the cake was made. It melted a few hours later since we ate it later that afternoon.

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