ristorante genovese / orange – orange county, ca

I had breakfast one morning at Arthur’s in Orange (I’ll post about it another day), and noticed an awesomely kitschy Italian restaurant (and apparently, combined law office) next door that started calling my name. Seriously, it did. Kitsch beckons me.


Of course, because I developed an intense desire to go there, I always found that I didn’t have time to check this place out, or had trouble finding someone interested in kitsching it up with me. When the day finally did come, Mr. Furious and I drove up, starved, only to learn that the place had closed early for the night due to lack of customers. That was a sad night, but ultimately, nothing stands between Alyssa and food.

So of course, Mr. Furious and I eventually got to eat there, and we had a lovely kitschy dining experience. There is someone’s video tour of the restaurant interior here. The service was incredibly excellent.


I had chicken parmigiana, which came with salad and garlic cheese bread beforehand, and sides of green beans and spaghetti with meat sauce (around $24); and Mr. Furious had a veal dish that I can’t remember the name of that had similar accompaniments (around $28). Both were recommended by our server. My chicken was nicely cooked and delectably cheesy. Though the meat sauce on my pasta was a little spicy for my taste, there seemed to be a different sauce on the chicken that was perfect. I had a few bites of Mr. Furious’ veal, which was melt-in-my-mouth tender in a sauce we could not get enough of. There are also some simpler entrees in the $14 to $20 range that I will be sure to try in future visits.

As an afterthought, we got some tiramisu to go. Perhaps I’ve led a tiramisu-sheltered life, but this was some of the best I’ve ever had. It was very creamy and not too sweet, and the alcohol wasn’t overpowering and it didn’t even get soggy by the time we got home (or when I had leftovers the next day).

So, Ristorante Genovese is a moderately priced Italian restaurant where kitsch and deliciousness live together harmoniously.

Ristorante Genovese
214 N. Tustin St., Orange, CA
(714) 633-5654

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