trying out the new “do us a flavor” lays chips
It’s that time of year again! Lays Chips has released a new batch of weird-o flavors onto the public for … Continue reading trying out the new “do us a flavor” lays chips
It’s that time of year again! Lays Chips has released a new batch of weird-o flavors onto the public for … Continue reading trying out the new “do us a flavor” lays chips
Jake and I decided to go out and grab the new test flavors for Lay’s Potato Chips contest “Do Us … Continue reading this is what we think of the new lay’s potato chip flavors
Doing a quick little post today on some uh… interesting looking snacks I picked up at H Mart recently. I’ve … Continue reading [product review] crazy snacking with piattos, kikiriki drumstix and pastino
I’m sorry, what does this post title say?
Peanut Butter and Chocolate covered what?
Potato Chips.
Totally Jake’s idea. I just executed it. (Jake helped, too).
He got the idea after a recent trip to Trader Joe’s. I had bought a bag of milk chocolate covered potato chips, which I really liked. Jake put together the idea of my love of peanut butter + chocolate with the potato chips and viola!
A delicious idea was born.
You don’t need a whole lot for this recipe. It’s mostly just melting and waiting. Also, I used about twice as much chocolate as shown (of each kind).
First things first: melt your peanut butter. Just scoop out a few spoonfuls and nuke it for a about a minute.
And then do this:
Dip it! I liked a few that weren’t dipped all of the way, but Jake liked to cover them up.
It’ll look really weird at first. Just trust me.
Continue reading “peanut butter and chocolate potato chips”