world famous crochet museum and the art queen in joshua tree, ca
One of the quirky places we visited in Joshua Tree was a place called the Art Queen. It was a … Continue reading world famous crochet museum and the art queen in joshua tree, ca
One of the quirky places we visited in Joshua Tree was a place called the Art Queen. It was a … Continue reading world famous crochet museum and the art queen in joshua tree, ca
The really nice part about our trip was how leisurely it felt. We had no plans, really. There were a … Continue reading the jelly donut & sky village swap meet / yucca valley, ca
We headed out to the desert on Saturday around mid-morning. There was no way I wanted to leave on a … Continue reading getaway to the desert: our stay in morongo valley
You know you’ve found the right partner in life when you’re sitting at home watching a travel food program, see … Continue reading a tale of two pans: cream pan and the apple pan
After visiting the tiny church in Yuma, we went back on the road and headed back towards the freeway. We … Continue reading yuma part two: a date shake and the bridge to nowhere
A spontaneous boyfriend and low gas prices prompted a mini road trip last month to Yuma, AZ. Why Yuma and … Continue reading cracker barrel + a tiny church in yuma, az
We’ve finally gotten to our last day in Portland! And this post will be all food! The majority of our … Continue reading portland, oregon – day four (last day)
Welcome to Portland again, dear friends, as we explore and recap the third day of our trip. It’s a bit … Continue reading portland, oregon – day three recap
This is a hefty post. Just warning you in advance. On our second day in Portland, we headed out to … Continue reading portland, oregon – day two recap
Last month Jake, T and I took a little trip up to Portland, OR. Oregon is a place I’ve wanted … Continue reading portland, oregon – day one
During Food Fight Write, we got standard convention breakfast (re: trays of mostly warm eggs, bacon, and such, though one … Continue reading carson kitchen / las vegas
Food Fight Write was an amazing conference and the first food blogger conference I ever attended. I drove into Vegas … Continue reading pizza rock / las vegas